Sunday Worship • In-Person and Livestream
Traditional • 8:15, 10:30 a.m. | Contemporary • 10:30 a.m.
Faith Formation Learning Hour • 9:30 a.m.
6770 N. High Street • Worthington, OH 43085 • (614) 885-0112
Now Hiring
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Worship Assistants at All Saints
We are called to serve God in this world, and many of those opportunities can come right here at All Saints. Join us in supporting worship ministries on Sunday mornings. If you have questions or want to sign up, please contact the church office.
Reader volunteers are called to participate in the lay reading every
Sunday morning. Readers usually provide an Old Testament and New
Testament readings in our traditional services. In our contemporary
service, The Gathering, one of their two readings is typically from the
Communion Assistants
Communion Assistants at All Saints assist with the distribution of Holy Communion.
These persons receive training prior to their first time of serving.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares communion for all traditional and contemporary worship services every Sunday. Members work behind the scenes to change and maintain the paraments, the candles, and the altar area in the Sanctuary. Members also decorate the Narthex, the Sanctuary, and the Parish Hall for Christmas and Easter seasons. Training is provided.
An acolyte arrives in the Sacristy 15 minutes before the beginning of an assigned worship service to prepare to light the altar candles for worship. Acolytes will be assigned to one service (on average). The Pastors will be available to assist the acolytes as needed.
Ushers and Greeters
Our ushers and greeters welcome worshipers to All Saints, as well as distribute bulletins to those who come to our Sunday services.
We are utilizing Ushers in the Traditional Worship Services and Greeters in the Contemporary (The Gathering) Worship Services.
Soundboard Operators
Our soundboard operators serve in either the Traditional or Contemporary worship services and are responsible for muting and unmuting microphones, as well as sound/volume adjustments during the service.
Our hospitality servers assist in cleanup following worship services. This includes emptying and cleaning the coffee carafes and wiping off the coffee/snack area of our gathering space.