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In light of events that have occurred in the past few years, and as we find ourselves once again at a watershed moment in history, we have encouraged the congregation of All Saints Lutheran Church to continue to engage in dialogue concerning issues of racial reconciliation and inclusivity of all people. While we always strive to promote justice, compassion, equality, and reconciliation in our classes, book studies, and sermons, it is evident that we all can do more, and that more intentional dialogue is needed.


The ELCA recognizes itself to be in mission and ministry in a multicultural society and world and is committed to welcoming and affirming cultural diversity. We are committed to confronting racism and calling for justice for all people despite ethnicity, culture, economic situation, primary language or gender. Living out such commitments in daily life includes recognition, discernment and action to confront the problems, which are buried deep in each individual and in society and its structures. Much has been done, yet more work and progress is needed that can only be accomplished by working together and with partners who share a common vision.


To this end, in 2021 we launched a year of Authentic Diversity at All Saints. This endeavor included book studies, conversations, and more. To kick off this year of Authentic Diversity, we created a 21-Day Racial Reconciliation Challenge. This 21-Day Challenge is an interactive PDF document. The 'challenge' of this document is simple: Over a period of 21 days, you are encouraged to do one 'daily action' in order to further your understanding of racial reconciliation (these actions range from reading an online article, to watching a short YouTube video, to reading scripture and a prayer).
* This 21-Day Challenge can be completed by any one, at any time. 


We encourage you to journey with us, as we engage in working for justice and peace in our world.


Pastor Bonnie Gerber,  Pastor Scott Nellis


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